Potential for value-based health care and access to medical devices
in Russia
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On the 27th of February, MTRC Director Dr Oleg Borisenko presented at the roundtable on value-based health care and access to medical devices in Moscow, Russia. In the presentation, Oleg made an overview of the current market access processes related to medical technologies and highlighted potential improvements of the processes (creation of new procedure codes, DRG change, High-End Medical Care coverage, and tariff setting), based on European experience.
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This free webinar provides overview of typical challenges of market access function (reimbursement, funding, evidence development) and how these challenges can be addressed using MTRC best practices
This free webinar provides an overview of key trends in market access for medical technologies in Europe, based on extensive consulting practice of MTRC: competition for hospital budget, disinvestment policies, developing therapies vs devices, innovation funding, value-based health care and others.